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Magelanus III - Yes, we did it!

Yes, we did it! Foi o primeiro pensamento que me ocorreu quando avistei ao longe o perfil de Santa Lucia. Foi o Tiago quem primeiro avistou a ilha. Não gritou “TERRA!”, é rapaz de carácter reservado. Mas terá, porventura, tal como eu e certamente os outros companheiros de travessia, gritado para si próprio. Mas ouvi o silêncio. Ver terra depois de duas semanas e meio de mar, é um momento de emoção de difícil descrição. Chegáramos ao fim da “nossa” aventura. Mais tarde, já de noite, ao chegarmos a Rodney Bay, tal como à chegada de Cabo Verde, os “ Yellow Shirts” indicaram-nos com destreza, por VHF, como chegar ao nosso local de amarração. E, de repente, a voz da Niúsca fez-se ouvir… momento mágico para mim nessa noite (thank you guys!).A recepção, na Marina de Rodney Bay. read more...

Argalleiro - Pictures Argalleiro ARC Atlantic
Argalleiro - Pictures Argalleiro ARC Atlantic
Argalleiro - Pictures Argalleiro ARC Atlantic
Argalleiro - Pictures Argalleiro ARC Atlantic
Argalleiro - Pictures Argalleiro ARC Atlantic
Argalleiro - Pictures Argalleiro ARC Atlantic
Argalleiro - Pictures Argalleiro ARC Atlantic
Argalleiro - Pictures Argalleiro ARC Atlantic
Argalleiro - Pictures Argalleiro ARC Atlantic
Argalleiro - Pictures Argalleiro ARC Atlantic
Argalleiro - Pictures Argalleiro ARC Atlantic
Argalleiro - Pictures Argalleiro ARC Atlantic
Argalleiro - Pictures Argalleiro ARC Atlantic
Argalleiro - Pictures Argalleiro ARC Atlantic
Argalleiro - Pictures Argalleiro ARC Atlantic
Argalleiro - Pictures Argalleiro ARC Atlantic
Argalleiro - Pictures Argalleiro ARC Atlantic
Argalleiro - Pictures Argalleiro ARC Atlantic
Lande Catty Sark - qualche foto
Lande Catty Sark - qualche foto
Lande Catty Sark - qualche foto
Lande Catty Sark - qualche foto
Lande Catty Sark - qualche foto
Lande Catty Sark - qualche foto
Lande Catty Sark - qualche foto
Lande Catty Sark - qualche foto

Lande Catty Sark - il film

link to you tube


Anika - BLOG 8

Thisblog has been delayed by difficulties with wifi and if I can send it today20th the end of the ARC is this evening at prize giving, the end ofan adventure and challenges ranging from where did we stow the chillies tosextant position fixes, dealing with goose barnacles, rope wraps, watermanagement, why is the mainsail not furling properly, the list goes on for longtime. As weapproached St Lucia with the sun rising behind us and Martinique off tostarboard, I was surprised how green and picturesque with its many hill tops itis. We hadbeen motoring for good number of hours with the very light winds but as weclosed St Lucia the wind arrived and we went from a broad reach to a beat (aproper way to arrive) as we rounded Pigeon Island into the finishing line whereSOPHIE another Hallberg Rassy. read more...


Vagaris -

Unsurprisingly there hasn’t really been any time to think of anything other than crossing the Atlantic, and all that it entails. Since we arrived we’ve been busy catching up with friends and enjoying the ARC activities (social drinking mostly), but as Christmas is rapidly sneaking up on us, I did find a few spare moments to dig out the decorations yesterday. Unfortunately as of yet we’ve been unable (despite our seemingly comprehensive inventory…more on this soon) to locate the Christmas lights, so we’re only festive on the inside. Jaxs/y Vagaris. read more...

Vagaris - Fruit & Veg - Image 2
Vagaris - Fruit & Veg - Image 2
Vagaris - Fruit & Veg - Image 1
Vagaris - Fruit & Veg - Image 1

Vagaris - Fruit & Veg

During our passage we ate very well, as food was quite important for morale and keeping us busy. Despite buying seemingly huge amounts of fresh fruit and vegetables (100 satsumas, 90 apples etc) we went through most of it. Before and after photos of fruit and veg supplies.... read more...


Antares - ARC 2014 - As we near the END

As Antares completes her task of keeping the eastern border of ARC safe from all intruders, we prepare for the final dash to the finish.We may be just a little later than we anticipated but light winds, no spinnaker and no diesel refuel stops along the way have slowed our progress.But, progress is in the winds for today and we hope to see the rum punch welcome by tomorrow PM.As we complete this journey, we have had several reminders of the highlights. On the 6-9 AM watch this morning, the whales greeted us off our stern.Although they didn't stay long, they had covered OUR eastern border and were probably telling us "you are on your own".And, our last two dinners have reminded us of Joe's mastery of the sailing kitchen -- chicken curry Wednesday and spaghetti on Thursday. Finally, Scott. read more...

Thula - we made it!
Thula - we made it!
Thula - finish line
Thula - finish line

Sanuk - Snart framme

Nu har vi bara 30 sjömil kvar till mållinjen. Det ska bli skönt med en stilla båt. Alla kommer vingla omkring på fast mark ett tag men lite rom brukar styra till det.Tack för denna gångOlle. read more...

Frisco - Log Day 22 Close encounter with container
Frisco - Log Day 22 Close encounter with container
Frisco - Log Day 21 Smooth Sargasso Sea
Frisco - Log Day 21 Smooth Sargasso Sea

Frisco - Log Day 22 Close encounter with container

Another calm and warm day saw various mats of Sargasso weed float by. Set up the fishing rod at 6:00 as he was coming off watch. Shortly after removing some weeds from the lure George hooked a Mahi Mahiand brought him to the side of the boat.I managed to grab the line bring the fish on board, but before I could secure him the hook came out of his mouth and he jumped and slithered his way back into the sea. I felt kind of bad loosing this fish as it was Georges first Mahi Mahi.Determined to replace the lost fish I spent much time clearing weeds from the hook and looking at passing mats of weed. Someone, perhaps Andy said, what is that triangle approaching us. Various opinions were offered from, shark fin, whale etc. As it grew closer to pass us on the Starboard side we realized it was not. read more...


Frisco - Log Day 21 Smooth Sargasso Sea

Yet another calm day requiring the use of "Diesel Wind". The moon comes up after midnight local time which provides a period of darkness which gives an amazing display of stars. When you are on land there is always some light source which affects the view of the sky. At sea there is only the stars and you can see them right down to the horizon all around you. Steering on a clear night is much easier because you can set your compass course then pick a group of stars to aim for. It is much more pleasant to look at the heavens than a compass needle.The area of the Atlantic that we are now in is part of the SargassoSea. On the surface of the water are giant mats of floating seaweed called Sargasso Weed. At night when you approach a mat of SargassoWeed it appears white as if glowing. read more...

Morning Haze - Morning Haze celebrating the crossing. (Picture taken by Sailor Ted!!!!)
Morning Haze - Morning Haze celebrating the crossing. (Picture taken by Sailor Ted!!!!)
Morning Haze - Sailor Ted's arrival in St-Lucia on december 14 at 6.00 am (local)!!!
Morning Haze - Sailor Ted's arrival in St-Lucia on december 14 at 6.00 am (local)!!!

Argalleiro - Land

Tierra a la vista Chile ..m.Argalleiro.


Sanuk - Tankning på ocean

Om några timmar möter vi upp med Lagoon 45 "99 Bottles" som ska förse oss med diesel. Det blåser fortfarande inte.Vi kommer att docka dom med jollen. Anders och Uffe lämnar moderskeppet för ett par timmar och kommer åter med massor av diesel så vi kan ta oss dom sista 160 nm till mål. Synd bara att äventyret slutar med stiltje...Olle. read more...


Tinia - Day 20

Only 200 miles to go now - very hot on board . Lucky the fridge has returned to its full potential and did a great job of cooling the last 4 beers - yes, there's 5 of us on board but one of us luckily has an aversion to the beverage. Still eating well -had a lovely lentil soup for lunch today . Head fisherman MF is once more frustrated by the large islands of sea weed that he's hooking. The bread mix from Lidl has been a hit and head baker RH has now perfected the bake in Tinia's oven. Something odd has happened - the Bob Marley song book has totally vanished - can't work it out - the search continues.. read more...


Morning Haze - Sailor Ted's last blog...

Hello everyone,This will be my last post as Morning Haze is now docked in Rodney Bay Marina. I have to say that I had a great crossing with the Hayes family. The girls, Rebecca and Demi, took very good care of me and they made me participate in all their daily activities such as taking the water samples for the microplastic research, baking bread or cinnamon rolls and even swimming in no less than 24,000 feet of water!!!We had great fun. And as a bonus, I now also speak french!I also want to thank the boats that provided us with weather over the VHF (since we could not download the grib files while at sea...remember our software crash!). Special thanks to Could 9 of Kingswear, Malenka, Interlude, Libeccio and finally Carsten from Cygnus Pena. A special thanks also to Jess from Quebec who. read more...


Louise - Blog 17 - 22nd Day at Sea

It has been a fine trip and we have experienced a lot. Winds from calm to47.9 kts, squalls with lots of rain, and sunshine/moonshine. My speed has been from nothing to nearly 10 kts. To give you a further idea of what has happened to us below you find mylog, unfortunately it is in Danish only.        Dato Tekst LOG10-11-14 00:00 Olieskift generator  10-11-14 00:00 Der manglede 3 L olie på hovedmotor  16-11-14 00:00 Sejlmager: rep af beslag på kutterstag  20-11-14 00:00 Bunkrede 745 L diesel. 7,50 Kr/L  22-11-14 00:00 Monterede nye genoa skøder  22-11-14 00:00 Monterede watermaker dog uden låsering. Den varblevet borte da jeg skiftede o-ringe. Jeg lavede en ny af ståltråd. Håberden virker.  22-11-14 00:00 Chris monterede to brædder. read more...


Red Devil 3 - Última milla

Sábado 13   Nos acercamos a tierra. Martinica por estribor ySanta Lucia por babor. Es de noche y vemos las luces de la costa Este. El vientose acelera enre las dos islas y la ola aumenta un poco. Para que no falte denada tenemos agua. Pasamos entre las islas a buena marcha 9 nudos, a ratos más.Avisamos a al Comité de ARC que nos aproximamos a Rodney Bay. Pilotar de nocheno es tarea fácil. Es complicado reconocer la costa, las luces las, distancias,etc. Afortunadamente llevamos el plotter que nos marca donde estamos en lacarta. La entrada en la bahía es con viento de ceñida, hay barcos fondeados.Para darle emoción a la última milla. El barco del Comité es uno de los queestá fondeado en la bahía y tiene una luz estroboscopia anaranjada. Lo vemos ahíestá la línea de llegada.. read more...

Sanuk - Big fish
Sanuk - Big fish
Hera - Zieleinlauf
Hera - Zieleinlauf

Louise - Blog 16 - 21st Day at Sea

I do not have a lot of news for you. As the wind does not fill my sails Ihave to use the motor a little. This was not what my crew planned for, but theyare happy to know that St. Lucia is only 325 nm from here. Thinking about thecrew with Columbus in the middle of the Atlantic without wind, not knowing ifthe earth was flat, not knowing if they would ever see land, not being able tochange the situation.We are fortunate to know that we are heading for a beautiful place, it justtakes time. We try our utmost to speed up our arrival but no stress. The crewenjoy good food, the quiet ocean, sun, moon and stars. I saw a ship last night and I know that several other ARC boats are around,so I shall meet them and all my other friends in 3 days time in RodneyBay. On behalf of Louise, Carina  . read more...


Sanuk - Big fish

Vi har otur med maskiner men är för jävliga på fiske. Nu på morgonen drog vi upp en sk. Dolphinfish, lugn det är ingen delfin.Den mätte 102cm och vi blir lika impade varje gång linan håller. Vi kämpar på i svaga vindar om ca 100 nm kan vi köra motor om det skulle behövas hela vägen in. Alla längtar fram, särskilt Anders som har Cilla redan på plats. Apropå det, kolla mailen Cilla och svara gärna till den adressen mailet kom ifrån.Puss o kram allaimage1. read more...


Vagaris - Dark Arrival

We arrived in Rodney Bay marina, St Lucia last night at 1943 local time after 20 days and 3050 miles at sea. We sailed across the finish line, received the congratulatory message from ARC control, dropped the sailed and prepare to enter the marina. It was very dark as we edged slowly into thecutout channel that leads to the lagoon where the marina is situated. We were met by a crowd of friends and well wishers cheering and congratulating us. Boats blew their whistles and horns to mark our arrival. In the dark and unfamiliar marina we moored with the help of ARC staff (yellow shirts) and stepped onto dry land for the first time for a long time. Champagne came out, Rum punches were delivered and stories were exchanged. Still bewildered, we then headed to one of the marina bars for another. read more...


Antares - ARC 2014 Day 20 Tonight is better

Saturday was about as picture perfect as a Caribbean day could be. Beautiful sky, no waves, no swells but NO WIND.This was as close to a State 0 sea as I can imagine.Monday AM, we are on a beam reach, the skies are filled with stars I never see in the city, the seas are smooth and it is a perfect SAILING night.We continue to close our target but are maintaining a watchful eye on the eastern border of the sailing pack.I think the other boats are still safe. No fish today - Joe is losing his touch.We have eaten through the fresh foods and are doing a good job on the freezer.Another thought on the whales of a few days ago - a Cuvier's beaked whale.Size is about right, too.Thanks to all who follow our log and who comment through our email. This has been fun but we are ready to see Rodney. read more...


Meltemi - MELTEMI Raetsel

Hallo und moin MELTEMI Blog Gemeinde,wie versprochen hier die Raetselaufloesung.Die Crew hat in Las Palmasbeim HiperDino fuer 1.872,72 Eurobeim Carrefour fuer 72,35 Euround im Central Markt fuer 197,78 Euro eingekauft. Das ergibt ein Gesamtsumme von ====2.142,85 Euro====Am dichtesten dran war Martin und sein Crew EYM mit ihrer Schaetzung von 2.146,00 Eruo.Herzlichen Glueckwunsch zu dem Atlantikerprobten DHH Stander.Die MELTEMI CrewPSWir haben heute erst erfahren, dass einige von unseren Blogs nicht den Weg in die Weltoeffentlichkeit gefunden haben. Daher hier nocheinmal die fehlenden Blogs.12.Tag Squalls quaelen uns weiter. Aber - was ist das eigentlich? Ein begrenztes Mikroklima in warmen Gefilden? Skipper R diger h ngt es tief und spricht von "kleinen tropischen Regenschauern".. read more...


Libeccio - Libeccio Log: Sunday Dec 14

  Today: an early introduction to island time; fireworks that are out of thisworld; now that is how to get your day started!; Elmer Fudd time;  Dear Readers, as you may know, we have managed to cross the finish lineyesterday @ 05:19 and we are now safely tucked up in the Rodney Bay Marina—superyacht pontoon, no less—where Libeccio will spend the next few weeks recuperatingfrom her efforts during the passage and while Jane and I return home forChristmas with the family.  We will return mid January and slow the pacedown while visiting a number of islands—which islands and in what order has yetto be determined.  So, grab that Starbucks, Timmy’s (don’t forget the vanilla shot, Tracie),Serious Coffee or, as in my case, a cup of the finest instant, decaf coffee...more like. read more...


Argalleiro - So close

Still we need to complete the trip ,,butnow we aré very close to scream we did it ..we did it Argalleiro. read more...


Argalleiro - Feeling Proud

Our land and countrywhere we liveandwe feel very proud ..this Crossing opened the new World and we can do the same today ..thanks ARC. read more...


Argalleiro - close to reach a wish and a dream

We feel close to reach a wish and a dream ,the samethat Chritopher Columbus had , five hundred years ago discovering a land where we live now. read more...


Argalleiro - 100 miles left!

Argalleiro Chile 1If You can dreamyou can do it ..slow wind but the heart full of hopeness andhappyness , we aré only at 100 miles .. read more...


Hera - Zieleinlauf

Pünktlich mit Sonnenaufgang umrundeten wir PidgeonIsland nach einer ruhigen und sternklaren Nacht. Mit dem letzten verbliebenenLüftchen kreuzten wir über die Ziellinie. Wie gewohnt wurden wir von einem Vertreter der ARCund einem Vertreter der Marina Rodney Bay am Liegeplatz mit Präsentkorb undeinem Rum Punch empfangen. Auch wenn wir mit defektem Spibeschlag undbeschädigtem Großsegel keine hervorragende Plazierung erreichen konnten, hatsich die Crew dennoch tapfer geschlagen. Jetzt verbleiben uns noch wenige Tage zumEntspannen bei karibischem Flair mit traumhaften Stränden, Cocktails undden letzten Partys der ARC, bevor die Crew den Heimflug antritt. Wir danken allen unseren Fans in der Heimat, dieunsere Route verfolgt haben und wünschen Euch allen ein FrohesFest. Hiermit. read more...


Take Off - Our first squall

Although the full moon lit our way so gently last night was quite unsmoothdue to wind changes all the time. We suspected several squalls so the spinnakerwent up and down all night in prevention. However we seemed everytime to “miss”them. This morning was a grey morning, no sunrise from the sea and heavy cloudsahead of us. However the heavy clouds were all along the horizon so we thoughtit was just normal rain. We sailed through it, got a bit wet, the wind wassteady and we thought this was smooth. The wind started to blow stronger and wasup to 30 knots when it then dropped gently down to 17 knots. And from nowhere astrong wind hit the boat, Jörgen stearing had difficulties in answering the windand the broach was inevitable. And then came the real rain – just like pouringhundreds of. read more...