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Blue Ocean - Day 7: Dolphins and Yellow Watch do the cooking

Following our 60knot storm, everything else is seeming fairly one-dimensional in comparison. But despite the lumpy seas (too bumpy to trust a pot on the stove), Yellow Watch (me & Vin) manfully stood our cooking rosta and turned out palatable, some would even say, tasty, food. American pancakes for breakfast, pizza for lunch and baked potatoes for supper (with a range of tasty fillings).
We are now stuck with headwinds and no sign of the tradewinds. Still, we are all comfortable and mostly over our earlier sea sickness.
We saw a large group of dolphins yesterday evening – which stayed with the boat for some time allowing us to get some good photos and video. The Belgians are slowly turning into a well equipped and highly skilled documentary film team and can be found at all hours of the day and night speaking to camera or videoing the various goings on.  They have even started to do some editing and are working on a soundtrack.
High to family and friends. Bye for now.
Les 60 noeuds de tempete et le ciel plombe font maintenant place au soleil et grand bleu tant attendu. Apres avoir ete force de prendre une route nord, nous beneficions progressivement de vents nord-est et bientot est qui devraient nous accompagner, spinaker en tete, jusque Ste Lucie. Nous talonnons Zenyatta et son gunboat surstaffe et ne boudons pas notre plaisir ... Yves instaure doucement la tradition du gin tonic de 17h30 pour celebrer notre bonne position au ranking general.
Le mal de mer nous a presque quitte Laurent et moi. meme si toute cuisson mijotee de brocoli et courgettes nous rappelle rapidement que nos estomacs restent fragiles ... Yves a enfin rejete a la mer,avec un plaisir evident, les derniers kilos de thon faisande.
Quelques dauphins nous accompagnent et la go pro hissee au sommet du mat tente de capturer nos meilleurs instants... de belles soiree remember en perspective

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