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Orion - Week 2, Thursday 6th

Today was the big fishing triumph with Alex catching a 2 metre long blue marlin. It was properly sedated with Kalashnikov vodka before being cleaned and cut into fillets. We have more meat than we can eat. Henrik.

This ARC this year is such a fantastic sailing experience, endless beam and broad reaching as fast as you dare to go with out breaking the equipment. The crew, now a team all going for their own golds, all working together, as this way they will all live their own dream. To see the star constellation Orion pass over the mast top of yacht Orion is one of our 24hr highlights. Keith

It has been a very fishy day one way an another... I woke during the night to the sound of hysterical laughter from the cockpit and discovered that Henrik had been hit on the face by another flying fish. These are dangerous waters and they have us completely surrounded. I found the culprit in the sink; it is the size of a big sardine with a sea blue dappled body and dark blue wings. Blue marlin steaks for dinner, Barbara.

Today I catch my first blue marlin! WAW! Alex.

This marlin was a 2 meters beast (we have pictures to prove it. we have asked Alex to slow down in his fishing frenzy as we can not eat at the same pace he catches. We are now seen another yacht on or port and we are exited because we are getting closer. Fridge is now officially off and we debate where to store the magnificent canario's cheese. Domingo

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