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Events Programme









09-18 Jan



A series of 30-minute online webinars covering ARC preparations topics. Ideal for anyone going to Boot Dusseldorf to look at boats and equipment.

13 Jan

World ARC 2024

Rodney Bay, Saint Lucia

Starting from Saint Lucia, World ARC is the voyage of a lifetime. A 26000 NM tradewind circumnavigation with our team in every port ensuring a warm welcome.

20-28 Jan

boot Düsseldorf

Düsseldorf, Germany

Meet the WCC team at Europe's largest boat show.

23-24 Mar

Ocean Cruising Seminar UK

Guildford, UK

Open to all, the seminar is perfect for those considering the transition from coastal cruising to blue water passage making.

06 & 13 AprARC Bluewasser Seminar ZoomOnline German-language seminars covering useful ARC topics.
14 AprilSaint Lucia RendezvousSaint LuciaSocial Sunday in Rodney Bay Marina for anyone who has sailed with the ARC or World ARC or is interested in joining a rally in the future.

11 May

ARC Europe

St Maarten

ARC Europe is the west-to-east Atlantic rally, sailing from the Caribbean or North America to Europe. Six weeks of stunning ocean cruising in company

19 MayBluewater Open DayAnnapolis, MDA great day for anyone interested in sailing an Atlantic Circuit or circumnavigation - come and see ARC-ready yachts, learn from experienced cruisers and meet new friends. At Bert Jabin Yacht Yard, Annapolis MD.

09 Jun

ARC Portugal

Plymouth, UK

ARC Portugal sails across the Bay of Biscay from Plymouth to Bayona, before day-sailing down the coast of Portugal to Marina de Lagos on the Algarve.

15 JunBluewater Öppet DagVärmdö, StockholmOm du planerar att segla ARC eller World ARC och är intresserad av hjälp med att välja båt eller utrustning för en oceansegling, så är du varmt välkommen till vår Blue Water öppna dag på Bullandö Marina utanför Stockholm.

22 Jun

Bluewater Open Day

Lymington, UK

Hosted in association with Berthon International, our Bluewater Open Day event is for sailors who are aiming at going offshore cruising and want to know what to look for when choosing a bluewater cruising boat.

14 SepBluewater Cruisers Q&ASouthampton, UKPanel discussion with experienced ARC and World ARC skippers and crew covering topics like life onboard, passage planning, sails and cruising equipment.

15 Sep

World ARC Seminar

Southampton, UK

Interested in sailing around the world with World ARC? Join our morning seminar to learn more, talk to the World Cruising Club team and meet fellow sailors.

21 SepSailing South SeminarSouthampton, UKLearn about the practicalities of sailing south across Biscay and down the Portuguese coast for a summer in the Med or on to the Canary Islands. Talk to the World Cruising Club and meet fellow sailors.

10-14 Oct

Annapolis Sailboat Show

Annapolis MD, US

Meet the World Cruising Club and Noonsite team and learn more about sailing a rally and bluewater cruising.

12 OctWorld ARC PresentationAnnapolis MD, USInterested in World ARC? A presentation covering all aspects of the rally, from the route and timings to type of boats and equipment needed. Plenty of opportunity for questions.
13 OctAtlantic Circuit PresentationAnnapolis MD, USJoin us for a breakfast presentation about sailing to Europe and back with the famous ARC rally. Plenty of opportunity for questions. 

10 Nov

ARC Plus 2024

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

ARC Plus takes sailors across the Atlantic from Gran Canaria to the Caribbean via the Cape Verde archipelago.

24 Nov

ARC 2024

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

The ARC is a ‘must do’ for many sailors, and attracts over 200 boats and 1200 people every year to sail 2700 NM across the Atlantic from Gran Canaria to Saint Lucia

18-26 Janboot DüsseldorfDüsseldorf, GermanyMeet the team and talk to us about your bluewater cruising dreams 
22-23 MarOcean Sailing WeekendGuildford, UK

An intensive weekend of expert presentations and break out sessions covering the key topics for anyone considering ocean sailing - boat equipment, safety, health, provisioning, communications and more. 

The format of the weekend has been refreshed from previous events with a more interactive format.

Nanny Cay, BVI, or Portsmouth, VA
ARC Portugal 2017 
ARC Portugal 2017 
ARC Channel Island Seminar 
Boot Düsseldorf 
Boot Düsseldorf 
World ARC 2020-21
World ARC 2020-21