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Ariel - interview with Ariel
Dear All, just to inform that at my arrival scheduled for the 2nd of december, I will stay in Grenada only 2 days (We have the flight back the 4 th) and Maurizio will remain on board for the ARC activities in the following days. Unfortunately he cannot talk about the resarch as he is a patient in study. This mail in order you can organize our interview if still interested. Thanks a lotpaolo & Cecilia with Maurizio and Ariel.
Ariel - from ariel
Dear All, info about Ariel sailing trip and medical research. Forgetting the gennaker explosion we are fast enough with other sails and happy to follow other boats with cloured sails. We will never give up! Some info about the research. We collected samples for hormonal changes in Melatonine, cortisol, insuline and leptine after the for ocean week and from today to the arrival we will monitor the Hearth Variability Test and the Microbiota changes before the arrival. On board we have Cecilia, my wife, first mate as well as our chef. I send you some pictures of life on board the amazing life on board of an Italian Hallberg Rassy. ;) IMG_6422IMG_6981IMG_6943IMG_6976A3AE330A-EF2A-4095-A6FB-DCDDAD94D93C.
Ariel - from ariel
Lat night our blue gennaker exploded thanks partly to the little wind and the killer wave, but above all to age and thousands of miles. Thanks Genny for the multiple gallops around the world's oceans. Now it's the time of Bianca the new flying genoa, definitely not so perfect for downwind sailing; we will help you with a new sail pattern: the "foursail"! Happy week to all cruisers!Look at the pictures.
Ariel - Update
The four sail new Ariel pattern after the explosion of our blue gennaker! Happy week!image0image1image2image3.
Ariel - Blog
TOPIC NUMBER 1 MEDICAL RESEARCH ON ARIEL. this is the first medical research on a sailing vessel concerning some clinical parameters concerning Hearth, (HRV)-see the article- stress and sleep-wake rhythm, Hormones and microbiota. Sea for LifeWe are pleased to announce the start of a unique pilot study conducted on a sailing boat aimed at assessing the effects of oceanic crossings on stress levels, sleep, hormonal axes, and intestinal microbiota in ordinary individuals.Science has long demonstrated how psychophysiological processes resulting from prolonged exposure to natural environments have a beneficial effect on health, often mediated by changes in HRV parameters, hormonal levels, and microbiota. We have questioned what could happen to the body and mind.