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Nikajuma - Day 14 - 400 nm to go
It is time for chrismas. We started baking the first cookies today and combined it with making bread and bunns. Delicious. This we combined with a melon from Las Palmas and goat cheese wrapped in bacon. And to really make a great day: wind. Finally.-- Grüsse von der nikajuma.
Nikajuma - Day 10 - 830 nm to go
Based in Zürich we are used to having no wind, but still we were not prepared for this. Since 2 days we have wind in the single digit kts regime. But the sun is shining, the mood is good and we have enough food until ... don't ask. The kids have fun with their advents calender and I am enjoying an alcohol free beer. This tastes like paradise after 10 days of water, juice and soft drinks. And we finally cought a fish. After high waves , seaweedfields and two fish that got away we landed a 95cm Wahoo tonight. I almost feel like the old man and the sea. Except the fish is different and our boat bigger.Life is good...-- Grüsse von der nikajuma.
Nikajuma - Day 9 - 935 nm to go
New estimated time of arrival: 22.12. The plotter does not tell of which year. What to do when you are stuck inthe middle of the Atlantic Ocean and the Wind is switched off? One day: very nice. Do some cooking, boatworks, washing and day-SPA. Then we motored a while to run our watermaker. Also christmas is approaching, so we did some crafty things. Let's hope for wind tomorrow.-- Grüsse von der nikajuma.
Nikajuma - Day 6 - 1300 nm to go
A dayof breakage followed ba a day of fixing. We go back one day. Friday was also at work the day, when things went wrong. As a sailor, luckily there is no weekend. Start of failure was 6 a.m. utc. Pitch dark. Our sail just crashed into the water. Result may be due to a broken block. Midday. Shakle got loose on genua. Afternoon: water in motor bilge. Luckily fresh water. Nighttime: we ripped out 2 blocks due to a jam with a towel. Easy to see in daytime... But good news exept the sail, everything is fixed again. Resulting in a saturday with no big highlights. But looking at the good things of a lost friday: we had boats around us (Selkie and Damasi II) on AIS and in sight. This gives a lot of confidence. And we got a new speed record surfing down the giant waves. Good night..
Nikajuma - Day 3 - 1750 nm to go
The stars are waving us. The moon and our toplight are shining. White glitter is following us on the waves. Its so good to be on nightshift. Just finished "the old man and the sea".I always liked Hemingway. You can feel between the lines that he was also a man of the sea..