Johanem - Johanem Daily Blog - Monday 6th May
The big news aboard Johanem was the successful capture by Giles of a medium size, but delicious, tuna yesterday afternoon. This was considerably more exciting than the continued lack of wind which is forcing further use of the engine. With the prospect of a first course of tuna sushi (well done, Ian) followed by marinaded tuna steaks and salad for supper (thank you Boo), the boat was temporarily stopped for a very refreshing mid-afternoon dip in the warm, plankton filled waters through which we are sailing. In a fit of optimism, we tried to set the cruising chute at mid-day today. However marine gremlins have been working overtime and the rather sensitive Bamar self furling mechanism is hors de combat and we were unable to effect a running repair. The net result is that we are now flying only white sails which is slower. Hopefully the problem can be sorted out by a helpful sail-maker in Bermuda.
We are about to have supper as Nick has decreed that its gin o'clock. Perhaps tonight we will see more of the fantastic shooting stars we saw last night