Jambo - Bit of a mixed day!
The girls have arrived! First trip to Carrefour...initial shop took over two hours but cracked most of the supplies, then the meat order which will be delivered to the boat on Saturday,vacuumed sealed and frozen. The drinks ordered has also been delivered, fizzy drinks, water litres of it, orange juice, milk, all need to be stored away. Fruit and veg from the market on Friday to be washed and wrapped before hanging the fruit nets. Then the crew all went to a lecture on the stars and planets that will be seen at sea over the three weeks across the Atlantic, including a comet viewing.
Back to Jambo all sails out of the forehead to check them and voila a leak!!!! Help the forepeak locker had two buckets of water in it..,,so tomorrow morning Jambo is to be lifted out and leak sorted!!!!!
Carol and I then managed to cook supper on board, double quantity one for the freezer for day two at sea.
The build up here is really exciting, brilliantly organised and lots of interesting talks, Friday there is demo with flares and helicopter rescues! The marina is really pretty all boats dressed with signal flags. The wind is beginning to blow in the right direction for the crossing. Just hope
We can sort the leak tomorrow