Hi from SY George. Well, we have just had our second evening meal aboard and the sun is going down on what we are calling day 2. We enjoyed the start yesterday, Tim, our skipper started in very good shape and we were going well right up until the bit where the wind died...fortunately, we came out of it better than a lot of the others, including some of the top racing fleet, it definitely paid to go out away from Las palmas in the short term. We have seen lots of dolphins, had minor gear failure problems, had sunshine and heavy rain, light winds and strong winds and are now going great guns down towards the cape Verde Islands doing over 8 knots in a good breeze from dead behind. It seems amazing how spread out the fleet is already, with only one or two boats visible at a time. The watch system has well and truly kicked in and tomorrow we start fishing for our supper and some serious Astro Nav! Some of you may be waiting for an update on the music situation on board. Well the news is that there has been no Abba so far but we do await several hours of Elaine Quinn...for those of you who have never heard of her she has a very Leonard Cohen-esque style to her songwriting and all crew members have been advised to clip on when listening go her! Hope to send a photo through soon, in the meantime, please follow us on the World Cruising Club website and on the Yellow Brick app where you can track our progress. We all send our love to our family and friends.
From Mason, aboard SY George