Webster - Log 5 - Dolphins and the Gybe Bunnies!
Winds have been variable all day from 0 to 20 knts and from all directions, mostly NE. The boat was powered up from after lunchtime so expecting a rather better 24 hour run from the rather disappointing 90nm or so logged to 1300 Monday - kept sailing into holes!
Saw our first dolphins during the day, Monday. Must have been 20 or so coming over to us from all directions and playing in the bow wave. We had a close shave with a small Dutch tanker vessel, the Texel, whom it was clear had steered a course to say hello to us. We could have shaken hands they were so close, and all on deck were waving their arms to us. Carl and I wondered if they were in trouble as that is an international signal of distress! We stood by just in case but they soon disappeared over the horizon.
Ken made a green chicken curry for dinner. it was an absolute triumph and immediately has been promoted to chief cook and bottle washer.
Reefed for the night but too powerful in an increasing NE breeze, went for reef 2, still too much so reef 3 was put in and a couple of rolls in the genoa. The seas had built and she was rolling about all over the place in the dark, emptying the condiments cupboard at one time, a right mess. We were finding that it was tough to keep concentration for more than half an hour and led to a number of involuntary gybes. Gybe of the day went to Ken who confused his left from his right and steered starboard instead of port to head up with the inevitable crash, but we were all guilty and from now on shall be known as the "Gybe Bunnies".
Position at 0900 UTC 24"47'N 17"02'W.
Sun is out breeze is up, lets hope it turns out to be a nice day.
Charlie - Webster