UTC 13:15 / 26°25N 019`43W
After all the intensive time of preparation we finally started. Because of a handling problem our Parasailor was not up at the perfect time we wanted, hence we have been late on the starting line but only by about 2 minutes. And then the boat was picking up speed easily even with this heavy load. Our course helped us to be and stay in front of nearly all Cruisiers (see picture - cruising fleet behind us) and only a moment later we found ourselves already in between the slower Catamarans and Racers starting before us - what a excitement to realize, that the start was better than we expected.
A while later our mood changed a little because we stood in a calm and had to see all Cruisers picking us up from behind - the great start had only a short time effect and we found ourselves in the middle of the fleet.
We tried to sail on and withstand the temptation to start the engine in the very early hours and did our best to get the hydro generator working. However, to make a long story short, after some minor damages (Parasailor and others) and injuries (some blood here, some sprains there) we keep on sailing well and are really happy with how it's going on and everybody feels well, well-kept and cosy.