Position 23:51.60N 018:43.88W
Reasonable progress during today. Tried all combinations of sails,
but wind was moving about too for consistency. Currently trying to thread
the eye of a needle, with (according to grib files) areas of almost zero wind
either side in a couple of days – so a course of 235 – currently beam reaching
but we expect to be both running and beating at various times while we maintain
We discovered today that the speed record is now held by the autohlelm –
sometime during the night, but we know not when.
Saw another ARC boat at close quarters today – Beneteau First 47.7;
they passed around our stern and Toby got a whole load of photos.
Our first fish. Obviously it was a massive one, as after Toby spent
10 minutes hauling it in, and just seeing the shadow it came off the hook.
Eat chicken curry this evening, cooked by Doug, and accompanied by a
quite nice bottle of Graves – our first sundowner.
Another night – 10% of the journey complete, another 90% to