The last 24 hrs have seen a change in fortune for the boys especially towards their chosen route of close to the African Coast. On writing, Golondrina is parallel with the coast of Mauritania however very soon they will be turning for Cape Verde. As midday passed they have clocked up some 330 miles and you could argue that some are in the right direction - please remember the earth is round. It would seem that we may well be one of the early boats to pick up the trade winds which will take us to St Lucia.
Last night was fairly tough, not just with the odd squall, but with heavy cloud cover so with no stars or moon to use as a point of reference to steer, it was down to looking at the compass. Sadly, it being in the companionway some of the older crew members now wish they'd made an appointment at the opticians... ( why do people get so upset about gybes !). This morning was bright and sunny with good winds. Gareth was up early and spent several hours alone lost in his thoughts enjoying what he loves best - helming his boat .... Which also gave the crew who had been up all night, a well earned rest! We had some company today too ….
We're currently heading south west with the spinnaker up pushing 9 knots and have been all day. Keep it to yourself, but we seem to be quite competitive!