Northern Child - Log 27 Nov
Star date captains log 1300 hours 27/11/13
After a safe start we headed off east to avoid the island wind shadow
intending to dive south as soon as we were clear. With a mix crew on board
the early stages where to say the least a little difficult. First night was
spent as many drifting around trying to make way in very light airs however
the wind gods appear to be smiling down on us currently at 23 19 394 North
21 50 512 west with a strong force four from SSW making between 7 and 9
knots over the ground. The team consists of many talents and a mixture of
experience everyone on board in great spirits as we eat our way through the
mountain of food on board the vessel gets faster hope the mountain lasts.
With 2274 miles to go it's a long way to the finish anything can happen just
received an email saying we (the rookie crew) are leading group B sorry Ross
but I must revel in this moment of glory. The Ellen Macarthur Cancer Trust
flag is on board and will be flown with great pride in St Lucia. Anyway
lunch is about to be served so I must sign off for now happy sailing
everyone .
Mark aka Happy Skipper
and crew on board Northern Child