Adina - Day 4 Star Shooting
Day 4 onboard Adina and yet again we were beset by light winds and indeed sailed upwind which is not normal for this time of year. We've been trying to sail gybing or tacking which explains why we're back of our fleet as most boats have motored and are now having to go into the Cape Verde islands to refuel. With no winds for a lot of yesterday we had no choice but to motor for 9 hours ourselves. But we are trying our best.
Crew are all into the swing of life at sea getting to know the boat, and Neil aptly described it as very monastic lifestyle. Google that! Alas no fish, but Lindsay had us doing squats, sit-ups and leg raises on the stern deck as seas were calm. Although it must be noted certain crew members will need to catch-up today as they sat and watched said exercise from the cockpit while sunning themselves.
Daily routines are in place like cleaning the heads (toilets), engine/generator checks, and Jerry the Rigger will be pleased to know comprehensive rigging checks! We have also instituted a daily sundowner/nibbles session. It's alcohol free but yesterday we had fresh bread made by Susie served with Iberico pate. We're not leading a luxury life, it's purely fighting scurvy we'll have you know.
We always said this trip provides a great opportunity to get to know the night skies. Having attended an ARC lecture on 'Stars at night', Tom and Neil were knocking off the stars last night. What we branded as the smudge (as it is a smudge to the naked eye) was indeed Pleaides and when viewed through binoculars was like an luminous blue bulb full of stars - simply stunning. Add Venus, Jupiter, Castor, Pollux, Ursa Major, Orion, Betelgeuse to that list. Of course boys will be boys and there is a competitive edge of shooting stars seen - Skip Tom leads with 10.
Yesterdays crew member question as to who has served the Queen is Lindsay! Today's question - who is a scuba instructor and also a wine judge? Answers on a shooting star please.
So it looks like more light winds today - tomorrow promises better.