Could someone please tell my husband that we are going to St. Lucia! Nova Scotia is just a bit off course!
Seriously, we put the Parasailor up on Monday, and set the auto pilot for 150 degrees off the port stern (the wind coming off the back left part off the boat for my non sailor family and friends). This means that as the wind shifts the boat corrects for it, and we just follow along. We had been doing okay, headed SW, then W--generally in the right direction. Since we are not racing, and the sailing has been so comfortable, and okay--maybe we are just a little lazy--we left the sail up even though we knew we needed to head more south. Besides that, by the time we finished with that darn fish it was already dark, and wrestling a 200 sq meter sail, with four lines attached just waiting to foul the prop, is not my idea restful evening. West is good, right? It is now 2:40 am, Wednesday morning, drizzling rain, cold, and there is no way I way can lower the sail without waking Sean up. We are no longer heading west--now NW, straight to Nova Scotia. Now I know why people have such big crews. Fortunately, we are only sailing at about 5 knots and the wind is supposed to die tomorrow, so we can motor or sail down without beating into waves. I just hope it is before the swirly stuff ( I will call it that for now since my mother may be reading this) starts, oh, right about here! Yep, exactly in this position, according to the forecast. What do you think, should I wake him up?
We are doing great! All systems are working well, and we are having a blast, even though we probably just moved from the middle of pack to dead last as far as our placement in the race. We lost probably 50 miles, its always fun to sail backwards! Oh well...the waves are the big rolly ones, no one is seasick, and it is incredibly beautiful. We are warm and dry behind our cockpit covers. Life is good.