20:14:18N 025:15:04
Happy to announce this evening that as from 4pm we found a good southerly breeze and turned RIGHT heading straight for the Caribbean! The butter never did melt and we're still in anoraks but things are a lot better than last night when we had to motor very noisily and smellily all night. The sea was like an oil slick lit by the stars. We watched Venus set in the west and Jupiter rise in the east, a very sweet little cradle moon shone at the end of the night. Imo and I tried to sail once imagining some wind but the sails just flapped and woke everyone up. It was a funny old day with dead calm sea, we thought we'd caught a monster fish but it bit through the line. Apparently Haig has caught tuna and had sashimi, rats and double rats.
Anyway Peter has been whistling and the wind seems to be making a tentative entrance, long may it last.
Sarah busily crocheting her wave blanket cursing the complicated pattern, I'm still trying to get a square done and plan to make humous tomorrow. Whats that about being paved with good intentions?
The boys excelled themselves with a Thai chicken curry, they're like a couple of old queens bickering in the galley.
Sarah "I washed FIVE pairs of pants"
Andrew " You have to wash your own pants?"
Picture of the day: