Annabella - LOG 4 Friday 29th
Position: 21 13.43N
22 24.12W
Time: 1200
Distance covered since 1300 yesterday: 132NM
Finally got confirmation that the blog is reaching its target audience, phew!
Progress since yesterday has been surprisingly good despite having spent most of the day making at less than 2 knots. The wind picked up during the night and it is currently 13-15 knots on the beam resulting in 7.5-8 knots boat speed in the desired direction. The forecast for the next 24 hours suggests that we will have good wind and perhaps up to 25 knots from the south. Sunday may be light again, but by then we will be on or about 20 degrees latitude when we hopefully can make progress directly to the west. Not much sign of the famous trade winds, but should they arrive we will be in position to take full advantage.
At different times we have been in close proximity to other ARCers. At about midnight last night a boat called Ocean Breeze passed in front of us heading for the Cape Verdes under engine. He tried to make VHF contact with us but unfortunately, while we could hear him, he was unable to pick up our reply. We will be doing a radio check at the next opportunity.
The light winds yesterday gave us the opportunity to continue with the clean out of fresh, or now not so fresh, produce. There was a discovery of some lettuce that should have gone several days ago (not pleasant). Craig produced a delicious Thanksgiving chicken pretending to be turkey meal which included the essential stuffing and cranberry sauce. As it was an American holiday for Craig, Steven felt that the occasion demanded a nice bottle of wine which we dutifully opened. Craig had brought two fruit cakes all the way from Ireland which we had hoped to try for desert, but do you think we could find them? We have checked every nook and cranny and there is no cake to be found! We spend a lot of time looking for things that we know are on board, but the mystery is where exactly. Clearly we need a woman on board!
We have also discovered that we have an irish stowaway. "Murphy" is his name. I'm sure you have all met him. He is not great crew because every time we try to do something he just causes chaos.
Stephen is on galley duty this evening which means we are all looking forward to dinner.
Peter's skipper's log got stuck in the bog and I'm not allowed to mention it in the blog. The story will unfold over wine in 2014.
Until tomorrow.
Peter (Skipper & Pug), Stephen, Conor, Craig, Terry (Chief Blogger)