Edelweiss - Day #6: Squid in a Bottle!
Hello from the overcast & drizzly Atlantic, where we consider this not rain per se but an excuse to rinse our salty foul weather gear! We do try to emphasize the positive here on Edelweiss....
We have continued coasting along in relatively light winds and are making fine progress. This morning brought two bits of excitement: firstly, Stuart found 3 little squid on our deck, which must have washed aboard with a wave or two last night. He promptly put them in a little bottle with some salt water and announced, "Bait, boys." Lyell & Mason are now mulling over getting out the fishing lines and trying their luck. Rest assured that if we catch anything, you'll be the first to know! Meanwhile, the seat in the cockpit near where the squid are resting was promptly nicknamed "Squid Watch." It's in high demand.
Secondly, after a few days of not hearing from any of the surrounding boats due to distance, the VHF came alive this morning with calls from a number of boats. Apparently the VHF can carry signals farther while we're under a high pressure front and so we have chatted with boats as far as 120nm away (when normally it would be 20 or so miles or line-of-sight). Needless to say, it's great to have some friendly chatter to pass the time!
xo Edelweiss