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Ula - The Watermaker

I am a watermaker.  And I am sad. 

Lately I have become a problem to my man-user.  I have become a saga, and I fear that this time will soon be referred to as Water'maker' Gate.  You see, though I was working fine, and although I had never missed a beat, I had a few ailments.  Sure I leaked here and there, and I bounced around a bit on my aching joints. But I am no spring chicken. No, I may not have the automatic-fresh-flush-system, and no, I may not have the remote-start-panel like todays youngsters, but I am simple, and robust, tried and tested, and dependable.

Nonetheless, Skip broke the golden rule.  Don't fix it if it ain't bust!  He sent a strange man-doctor to visit me.  To my surprise he told skip that I had become lethargic, and wasn't making fresh water, rather that I was passing off some slightly-less-salty-than-sea-water as fresh water!  Who does he think he is?  This is my only job.  I know what I'm doing!

I protested when I was taken to hospital on a man-island.  There, skip was told my situation was worse than feared, and that I may soon visit the watermaker heaven.  Thankfully, the chief engineer didn't see it necessary to enlist the services of the expensive younger generation, so I was to be healed.  I had experience in my role!  These youngsters have seen no service.  I have served, and have earned respect!  I was to be saved.

So I had bypass surgery, cosmetic surgery and I was feeling genuinely rejuvenated.  Ironically though, it was my man-doctor that then became lethargic, and he decided he wanted nothing more to do with me!  So he deposited me, in pieces, beside my ship, and left me there. 

Skip and chief engineer didn't leave me though, by the quayside, like some discarded empty Evian bottle.  They took me back and reinstated me, despite it being the day before our departure…  

Why do man people need to move from one man-island to another?  They are strange. Me, I have a good day if I simply make water!  Its my purpose, my meaning of being. 

Now, man-people do not talk to me much, but when they do, the air is usually blue as they coax me into life.  But skip and chief engineer - I have never heard the like of it!  I was lambasted for a whole day as they reassembled all my pieces!  The man-doctor was mentioned much of the time.  I liked him. He tried to help me get well.  I do not think they like him or respect him much.

Finally I was back.  I looked good, and I felt great.  I wanted to show off my new prowess. Unfortunately, my inauguration released some more foul language from skip and chief engineer as my feed pump burned out, and my HP sensor failed.  And I still leaked…  I din't see any man-people for a while. 

Skip and chief engineer still didn't leave me though.  I like them.  They respect me.  They helped me get well again. 

So we left on schedule.  But I have lost their trust.  I heard them talking about diverting to some other man islands, where they would take on some extra water.  Thats my job!  Let me work!  I will produce water, and lots of it!  Still their confidence in me is broken.

But I am strong again!  I know it!  I can feel the strength it my ceramic cylinders!  My joints no longer ache, and I do not leak!  But skip will not let me loose.  He will not push me, rather he pokes and prods, he mums and ahhs and calculates.  He thinks I have become a bit hot-headed, and will break if I get my way.  I am not hot-headed. The man person - my creator - he told skip my hot-headedness was normal.  But skip is cautious.  The man-doctor hurt him.  He doesn't want to be hurt again.  He doesn't want to hurt me either.  He respects me.

I hear we are no longer diverting to the man islands, perhaps I am beginning to gain trust?

Still, I feel like I have let my crew down.  Perhaps soon I can prove myself dependable again.

I am a watermaker, and I am sad.

D Salator

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