Mark and 'Rattie' Davis thought it would be a brilliant idea to go fishing in the Atlantic Ocean – ‘Man pitted against the beast’ – surely there could only to be one winner?
The tackle and lures were chosen with meticulous attention to detail. What our two hunter/killers didn't really discuss was what to do when 2 rather angry Dorados weighing in at some 2 kilos each, came on board whilst they’d rather be back in the sea! ‘The night of the flailing winch handle' - soon to be made into a horror film - saw scales, blood and assorted fish body parts flying in all directions until calm eventually ensured. How Mark, Stu and Owain didn't manage to stab each other is anyone's guess. Dave's contribution to the melee was to light the stove and slice a lemon whilst Gareth assisted with the rescue camera ... In between fits of laughter and deciding what wine should be served with it (there’s little choice!)
Oh .. and it gets better, Rattie then filleted the beasts with a hacksaw blade as his knife wasn’t big enough! On discarding the remnants overboard, someone noticed 4 sharks encircling the boat! Fishing has been suspended whilst we develop a better handling strategy and find a bigger knife!
In the quiet hours of the evening, Dave was seen talking to the Rutland weather vane which is strapped to the rear of the boat and produces electricity. ‘Mrs Rutland’ (as she has been named by the crew) has been rather fickle of late and only seems to work when she fancies it, and of course, needs constant attention.
Gareth would like to send a message of 'cofion' to all the boys at the New 3 Mariners and Neyland Marina... And think of him as your downing your pints on this dry boat.. Never before has he and Golondrina sailed so far South or East!
As of Friday 29th Nov 1300 UTC 2327 miles to go