The last few days have been unexpectedly calm, sometimes with brilliant sunshine, sometimes, like today, dull and damp and this evening it has rained steadily. Hopeful that this would be good fishing weather and having heard of the success on some of the other yachts, we have had 3 lines out with a selection of different lures. No luck so far!
The lack of wind has unfortunately meant that our ideal of a zero engine hours crossing has had to be abandoned. We finally admitted defeat at noon on the 28th and started motoring as at that point we had only made about 340 miles in 4 days. At which rate it would have been some time in the New Year before we reached St Lucia! The up side of the calm weather was that I did some baking and Caroline’s birthday muffins went down a treat.
Current position 21º14’ North 021º 03’ West, about 340 nautical miles North East of The Cape Verde Islands