Windleblo - Day Four
Overcast dawn! Where's the sun we were promised?
No wind! Where are the trades?
We hear this refrain several times today, spoken among ourselves, on the ARC SSB radio net, and in our thoughts.
Not that we are complaining, mind you. Spirits are high on the Windleblo this Thanksgiving day, as we dream of football and turkey. We make lemons out of lemonade by stopping for a mid-ocean swim. The water is fine! Some hang off the stern swim step while others, more daring, do laps around the boat to get the heart going. (All this sitting is doing nothing for our fitness.)
To add to the excitement, we sight two whales swimming laconically about a quarter mile of our starboard beam. The dolphins seem to be taking a break today, but the whale sighting more than makes up for it.
We're hearing on the radio that a lot of boats are thinking of diverting to the Cape Verde Islands to refuel. We haven't made that decision yet, but each motoring minute brings us closer to reckoning with it.
Coq au vin for dinner is as close to the traditional turkey as we can get. We'll have a proper thanksgiving dinner, complete with all the trimmings, once we make landfall.