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Adina - Day 6 - Sailing in a washing machine and a new quiz!
Adina - Day 6 - Sailing in a washing machine and a new quiz!
Day 7 has dawned on Adina and we are sailing in the winds to the east of our route that we have been chasing. 17-20 knots we're ticking along nicely. That said the sea state is somewhat akin to a washing machine and sleep was one thing a little lacking last night.
We found the winds yesterday morning after a night in which Susie and Neil saw dolphins creating phosphorescence in the water (after much discussion Susie was the one who cracked the spelling of that one!). Made us all very jealous!
Gareth woke up with a dyson in his bed after Lindsay had cleaned her bunk - perhaps she was making subtle hints?
The afternoon session saw some enjoyment of brownies made for the crew by Jos Sheffield. Jos - they were magnificent - can we get some sent to St.Lucia please?? Susie has hidden some for another day - YUM!
Sunset saw a bite on our fishing line but sadly it didn't stick - keep on trying!
We all eat together around 7pm and at 9pm the night watches kick in. Two at a time are on deck for a watch lasting 3 hours. We stagger it so people will be up with two different people in those three hours. So for example Neil comes up and is with Lindsay for two hours and then Lindsay goes to bed and Tom is with Neil for his last hour and so on. Each person is woken ten minutes in advance of their slot with an offer of a cup of tea. Lindsay and Neil have both managed to put English tea in with the skippers Lemon and Ginger tea in the dark! An unusual taste! The person woken is given 15 minutes to wake properly on deck and not allowed to do any boat handling. You do feel groggy when woken at 2am!
The nights are now pitch black especially when clouds cover the stars - the moon is only briefly seen. It's challenging sailing the seas with red lights from our instruments and nothing else to see - it takes real focus.
So yesterdays quiz answer is Neil has eaten sea urchins! On to our new quiz - what unusual things have crew brought onboard with them? Let's start with who has a party wig onboard??
Adina standing by bouncing along in the Atlantic Ocean...