Rougher conditions this past 36 hours out on the Atlantic, winds from the south gusting to 35 knots and for the past 12 hours in the 25 - 30 knot area. Seas are 3 - 4 metres again from the south. We're steering 250 so getting wind and waves over our left shoulder, we're running with 3 reefs and the gennie furled up similarly, boat speed around 9 knots although surfing conditions are great so we're getting 12 - 14 down the back of waves :) Boat is performing beautifully, we cleared our bilges this morning as she's taken a bit of water, but decks have been awash with spray (not not blue water so far) numerous times so not surprising. Only bugs are really just the Raymarine chart-plotter below-decks (although the one at the helm has taken to giving us mild electric shocks when we hit buttons, it must be getting cranky!), happily the auto-helm is working a treat as its really been helpful at night - no moon to speak of now, so its flying by instruments and easy to get disoriented, so the auto-helm (we'll have to name her - I think planes use George, right?!) tapping gently on the rudder keeping the course is very welcome! Photo attached is Mark at the helm in the rain, 30 knots, jacketed and clipped in, he tells me he's smiling!!