Its lovely out here at last! Pheeew what a few days
we have wind rain more wind more rain. The gracious Northern Child has looked
after us all very well though.
Even managing a braised lamb dinner for eleven as
the sun set last night so our plans of picking our way through the weather bits
and breaking out just about here have worked. Frustrating day yesterday waiting
for the wind to shift but now its here just off the beam and gently slooshing us
We have a few hatches open to vent some of the
oilskin moisture out and I think today as the sun rises there will be lots of
damp clothes being drapped on the deck.
No major issues really had a little issue with a
bilge pump found one of those nasty cable numbers jammed in a poppet valve but
the manual pumps coped with what little wetness there was most of which I think
had been hiding in different places from the last bumpy ride.
Dawns out here are truly amazing - you
spend all night looking at the stars watching some fall others move right across
the sky. Orions belt is so clear no moon yet but its coming, one of my crew was
looking at the sunrise and said "if that was a painting you would never believe
it to be real". We are so lucky to experience these wonders.
Fishing line is out again lets ask for Tuna this
time but just in case I will get some beef steak out of the stocked freezer
ready for this evenings dinner with perhaps a small glass of red. LIFE ON A
Well position as of 0815 2/12/13 is 23 11 862N 33
03 523 W 1663 miles to go
and guess what its shower day again whoop whoop
happy sailing all.
bye for now - bacon and egg sandwiches for
Love to all
Happy Skipper Mark