Today we did a very difficult task - refueling at sea from our jerry cans. The winds were down and the rolling wasn't as bad as it has been so today was the day!
We had quite a few comments from people in Las Palmas about the sheer number of jerry cans we have on Aspen's deck full of diesel. There are 12 cans for a total amount of 60 extra gallons (not including Captain Steve's hidden 10 spare gallons).
The procedure was to:
1. Unfasten cans from the secure deck,
2. Drag each can weighting 40 pounds to the stern of Aspen,
3. Have Admiral Maria hold the spigot of each can as the Captain lifts the 40 pound can and pours the contents into the itty bitty tiny hole for the fuel tank,
4. Watch Admiral Maria take several light diesel showers with each can poured, and
5. Admiral Maria watches Captain Steve hold extremely heavy jerry cans for at least 10 minutes each as the contents slowly dribble into the tank, and
6. After the jerry can is empty, drag the next 40 pound jerry can to Aspen's stern and repeat again and again and again until diesel can hopefully be seen at the top of the tank.
The result of today's activity was a full diesel tank! The Admiral is smiling once again because Maria (and Aspen) loves her diesel!!!
Steve and Maria
Still heading south...