Annabella - Log 7 - 2nd December
Position: 17 56.15N
28 56.48W
Distance travelled since Log 6: 132NM
Just noticed that Log 6 didn't send yesterday. Had a few issues with the Satphone so perhaps that's the reason. The upside is that you now have two blogs to read ha! ha!.
Forgot to mention in L6 that we saw "the dark side of the moon" the night before last. It's illuminated by earth light when the alignment of earth and moon is conducive. Obviously a clear sky helps.
Stephen saw a porpoise yesterday and what appeared to be another type of wader tried to land on our mast, unsuccessfully. Another pod of porpoises has just appeared.
Winds moved from SW to NW which, after a bit of tacking, allowed us to sail directly for St Lucia close hauled. We made reasonable speeds (avg 6ish) during the night in wind 7 to 10 knots. Wind is currently 7.5 knots and we are achieving just under 5 knots of boat speed. Distance to go is about 1900NM. We need the trade winds to get the speed up and ensure that we hit the 18 day target. Forecast for today suggests that they should arrive later today. Unlike some other boats we have not used the engine for forward propulsion.
Dining last night was a bit bland with Carbonara made from a sauce mix. Just not the same as the home made sauces. However, we had melon with iberica ham and freshly ground nutmeg to start. We still haven't found the fruit cake for desert. This morning after the usual fresh fruit, museli and yoghurt we had french toast with maple syrup. We used sliced pitta bread as the base and it was surprisingly successful. We will probably try that again, and again until the eggs are gone. Pug is on galley duty tonight and he has promised us a "surprise".
We have had Blue Runner within a couple of miles of us for about 10 hours. Blue Runner is a Dehler 47 and was berthed beside us in Las Palmas. We had some friendly banter with Oscar (Nederlands) on the dock so there is a bit of competition developing. At the moment we seem to be ahead.
Craig has taken out the sextant which means that celestial navigation lessons start today.
Log 8 tomorrow.