Yesterday morning we went "hunting" pressure and managed to hook into a nice line of 12-15 knots at around 9am running square just a smidge off the rum line at an average of 7 knots boat speed. It was hard work steering in a very confused sea, the pressure started to drop off at around 4 pm to 10 knots and the main started flogging, again, every time it rolled over a 3 metre swell, which was on the beam and tossing us about like a cork. Not a fun ride being under powered. Our solution to the flogging main was to put 2 reefs in it with pretty much full trim down traveller. Worked like a charm and gave us a little drive as the boat speed had dropped to under 6 knots. Last night was again motor sailing in light winds of 5- 10 knots trying to drive the apparent forward to the beam to create about 5 knots of boat speed, very frustrating!!!
Looks like similar conditions today, looking for lines of pressure to propel us to Saint Lucia.
I guess we are going ok as we keep "bumping" into a Swan 65, which is heading to Martinique. He motored up along side the other evening and we exchanged pleasantries. Have been in "contact " for the last 48 hours. I think we have been a day behind the pressure most of the way as the lead boats have opened up a huge lead and should arrive in St Lucia today, we still have at least 4days to go, (wind gods smiling).
Capt coco la rochelle