3rd December - 300miles west of Cape Verde
Highlight of the Day - Catching and landing a Yellow-fin tuna,., enormous
in proportions according to Chief Fisherman Scott,.. enough for a starter
according to Head Chef Fin
Lowlight of the day- Seeing a really massive tuna escape with our lucky lure
Sea life spotted - Whales, 30min dolphin on the bow display. Tuna, the wee
one and the one that got away
Weather & sailing - Calm surreal conditions for Atlantic- 8knots of wind,
close hauled last night averaging 6knots. Kite out during day to to top
7knots. HOT. 28degrees in the shade
24hr Log- 136nm
Amazing Facto of the Day- At 40 tons Mustique can still sail at 8 knots in 8
knots of breeze!
Food.snack of the day - Scott's massive tuna lunch, awesomed up by Fin,
chillis & avocado salad
Scott's daily excuse for not catching any fish- Excuse me.... I got one!!!
Crew morale - after fresh fish, movie night with The Departed, G & T, and
mocktail sundowners- spirits are HIGH!!