Position 16:43.11N 025:20.84W
Toby and James off to do some last minute shopping, Doug and Andrej having
breakfast at the marina bar. T & J decided to go to the local petrol
station to see if they had any jerry cans – result! They had 10 litre
cans, but Toby noticed they had oil for sale in 20 litre cans at the same cost
as the empty 10 l ones. quick question and from the garage came 2 empty 20 litre
cans for about a fiver; filled with diesel and back to the boat giving us
another day’s motoring if needed.
Another queue for the cash machine to pay the supermarket which would not
accept Mastercard or Visa, and then back to the boat and off.
Left at 11.00 am; quick sail past Rainbow and last chat to Oli, then
out to sea.
Initially motoring in little wind, then abortively tried full main and
poled out genoa, but 12 knots responded by reducing to under 4 so motor back
Pod of dolphins then decided to play around us; one was obviously
showboating as it twice lifted itself out of the water in a vertical position,
with all but its tail out of the water.
Currently wind has filled in and veered substantially, and we are now
reaching at 7 knots in 11 knots of breeze. Long may it