Well we arrived here Saturday night just as it got dark. The fuel dock is a nightmare, long enough for a 16ft dory so we tied the bow to it and the stern to a pontoon behind. We filled the cans and topped up the main tank and realised we had used 135 litres of diesel already. Sadly one of crew members will leave tomorrow as there has been a close family bereavement and another crew arrives on Wednesday (he should have left from Las Palmas with us but was ill - now recovered) and our plan is to leave Wednesday afternoon for St Lucia. We are so glad we decided to turn south on Wednesday to avoid the bad weather which seems to have reeked havoc on some of the fleet. We had 30 plus knots of wind on Thursday night/Friday morning but thankfully from the stern quarter not the head seas which we know have hit other boats further west.
Mindelo is OK but we haven't ventured further than the police station to check in and out, the restaurants near the marina and the beach 10 minutes away. Tomorrow we will venture into town to find the supermarket and hopefully a bank to get some local currency as we are rapidly running out of euros!
Looking forward to some trade wind sailing at last and hoping that other ARC boats here can get away soon having sorted out their damage issues.