Starla - Log Day 10 - Baking Bread
Hello Everyone,
Distance logged today - 146 nautical miles. Distance to date this trip - 1109 nautical miles. Remaining miles to St Lucia 1853.
The map on the web site is not receiving our position information, so the map is incorrect, also our fleet position. We are working to put the situation right.
The wind has been in the north, and north west, 8- 12 knots, so we have made steady progress. Their is a chance that we may run in to a lull tomorrow. We hope not.
The night brought a few squalls along with some rain, however today has been sunny all the way.
Once again, at breakfast time, we set our fishing lines and within 10 minutes we each had a fish, yes, more Dorado. We had fried fillets last night for dinner.
We had to move our dingy around, that is strapped to the deck, as it was fouling some of our running rigging for the sails, and chafing the dingy. Also, we needed to repair the vang/kicker, the securing pin had worked it's was out.
Our supply of bread has ran out so we are back to making our own. It works well with the bread maker as we coincide this with the generator running.
The crew spirits are high.
Starla Crew
(written by Steven Crake)