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Merlyn III - Re: Day 10 - False dawn but enjoying the stark beauty of being truly away from it all...
Merlyn III - Re: Day 10 - False dawn but enjoying the stark beauty of being truly away from it all...
dawns but what did the shepherd say about ‘Red Skies’ – well all started well
with a pleasant breeze and we thought the promised trade winds had arrived early
– good to be ahead of the weatherman for a change but .... the steady 12
knots plus are now well below 10 and we are going at a slow jog. So we have
deployed our genoa out on a pole and as the attached photo shows, it looks
great. The twin fishing lines are deployed for a tasty catch, however the only
volunteers to date, have been a few small and rather bony flying fish – they’re
not on the menu yet!
We are
re-purposing food on the turn and enjoyed a delicious banana cake from David,
whose final shape was dictated by the gimbals on the oven not being free thus
giving it a distinct lilt.
tried to inspire dolphins to appear by playing classical music but so far our
tastes in music do not align.
seemingly well off the shipping lanes, so a real sense of having the ocean and
the sky to ourselves, especially at night when millions of stars break up the
inky darkness – you realise how small a planet we inhabit in the vast
to be about #80 in terms of distance to go so well placed when the winds
P1030523 sm