George - At long last!!
Yet again I am happy to announce Steve has won a further two stars. One for washing the rancid fridge and another for getting the SSB radio to work! This unfortunately has started mutterings among the rest of the crew... it's not that the rest of the crew aren't as good, Steve is just a bit better? An unfortunate example of this is for Mason (the person responsible for navigation) to ask if anyone else has noticed that in this part of the Atlantic there was 14 degrees of variation? This probably accounts for him claiming the instruments were wrong... I wonder where we really are?....TB
Hello again from SY George. We are at last sailing down wind with NE winds which we hope are start of the real trades. At current 17.31N 32.07W and in more wind than over the last two days at 12 knots steady. Steve has earned his gold star by getting the SSB radio to work on voice, which means we are able to hear the sound of other voices, a relief to some on board! The eating competition is going well, with Tim well out in the lead, He earned himself another advent calendar door opening and chocolate prize by yet again winning the "guess our daily mileage" competition, and suspicions are mounting about how he does it! We have Tim's big spinnaker up for the first time in the race and the boat is going reasonably well again, and in the right direction, a first since heading west. We hope our friends aboard Koala, Millport II and Adina are ok and doing well as we did not hear them on the SSB this morning...MK
A bit if wind at last although not the trade winds I expected. Great shooting stars on watch last night. A number of crew thinking that the low stars were other vessels - no hope, haven't seen anything else for couple of days now. Looking forward to the BBQ tonight with T Bone steaks. MN
After the previous nights sundowner, Hastings' attempt of an old tried and tested method of getting people to talk, and perhaps extract an involuntary confession by getting them drunk, failed, due to him not being able to hold his own. This morning he was secretly pleased with himself, he thought he had for the first timed stumped Poirot by knowing the location of another twenty pence piece. With eager excitement swelling, like a kid in a sweet shop, he made all haste to the hidden location. As he struggled to open door number 3 on the advent calendar he was almost euphoric with joy. But alas, no, all he found was a piece of chocolate with a print of a snail on it. Meanwhile Poirot had turned the volume button up on the SSB. But 'George' had been listening. JDR
It is with great pride that I accept the accolades of my peers and it is with far greater humility than necessary that I grudgingly accept the multiple honours bestowed upon me. I would also like to thank my parents, wife and daughter for all their support without whom none of this would have been possible. As for the crew of George, all I can hope is that they are able to put aside their petty jealousies and take this opportunity to learn all they can from me over the next two weeks as opportunities such as this are rare in life...SN