Best laid plans and all that, some squalls over night meant we had to drop the spinnaker and consequently lost ground, but first light today, it was back up and we have been enjoying a steady wind and 8 knots speed. Also last night was a spectacular heaven. Thousands of stars with shooting meteorite debris burning up on entry. Quite a show.
The morning has been very warm. Up with the washing line and all doing their best washer-woman impressions (Karl's was alarmingly realistic...). Milanto looks more like a sea gypsy caravan site than a finely oiled racing machine. Other chores have included greasing winches and er, putting electronic navigation equipment in the oven - recently fixed by way of a Heath Robison intervention - in order to dry it out. Flying fish skimming by and two close calls on landing more Dorado for supper today. Better get lucky or it'll be sea biscuits all round.
We are trying to push along as quickly as we can right now as there is a high developing which will bring light winds. With a little luck we can get past that before it takes hold of the fleet. If we succeed we should finally find the trade winds from the East for a fast run home with 20 knots on our stern plus some squalls as quite a lot of rain forecast in early part of next week. All hoping for nice weather for our ladies to enjoy once we arrive in St Lucia.
Good run over last 24 hrs and distance covered as of 1300hrs today 1,364
STOP PRESS:we just caught a Dorado, so we eat healthy tonight