Position Wednesday 04.12.2013: 24”08’.688 N, 033”22’.186
We made it! After all the discussions on how to proceed getting the Genoa untied to get her unfurled again 100 percent, we appointed Franz to do this nice job. No problem for him! We tied a spinnaker halyard on the luff of the Genoa which enabled us to glide him up leaning in the sail while Azzurra was moving with 6 knots. Franz did a great job cutting away the tapes and lines of the leech. He only swung once uncontrolled on the outside. He did not tell us what his real feeling was. We only saw him changing his underwear when the job was finished. Everybody will understand this, working on a moving part 20 to 23 meters above the waterline while sailing, is a challenge for everyone. We now can fully use the sail again although the leech is completely damaged and will, so god will, survive until we arrive in St. Lucia. Sailing thru this night was pleasant. The sky was full off stars. On December 2nd the moon was not visible. Thru the last 4 days when the sky was covered in addition with clouds making it impossible to see the bow of Azzurra, you get a intimidate feeling running into the black. We tried to identify again some of the Planets. It is easy to see the Venus, rising in the SW after sunset. She is very bright. It is hard to see Mercury which should be seen right before dawn shining moderate bright. We are still searching for Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
The next days we have to find a course leading us south. A new deep front is arising from the NNW. Probably not too much wind but rather the directions are concerning us. We will get the wind on our nose. If we like to go around this, we run into no wind areas. Good advise what to do will be appreciated. We will take any chance to get down SW. It means we will not be able to gain some more mileage to let us overtake some other Yachts.
Also we need to mention that we partied yesterday evening, having some green ones, blowing up some balloons and listened to Rod Steward, Dean Martin, Queens and so force. For those who do not know what green ones are, very simple, just Heinikens.
We start praying again to get some nice wind leading us to our preferred direction.