Annabella - Log 10 - 5th December
Position: 17 30.743N
34 24.417W
Distance to St Lucia: 1543NM
Distance last 24 hours: 135NM
We tried to include a picture with yesterdays blog, but the upload was taking forever (despite reducing size of file to minimum) and was aborted. We thought that the edited version went last night but discovered it this morning in the trash. Sorry!
The spinnaker produced a reasonable result in terms of distance yesterday, but we were being pushed a bit far north. Gybing would have taken us too far south. Dilemma! The winds never went above 7 knots over the past day and were mostly in the 4-5 range. Unfortunately, a bit of south crept into the easterlies. We decided first thing this morning to change from the spinny to the twin headsails and drop the main. Direction is slightly better but the speed in now 4-4.5 knots. Wind speed is approx 6-7 knots. We just need more wind.
Conor caught his second dorade yesterday evening which was sufficiently large to feed all five of us. Peter had planned an omelette so we were all relieved when the fish landed on deck. Conor is a dab hand at killing and gutting the fish and the only thing left after the clean up is a slightly fishy odour.
Supplies of the fresh produce are dwindling and the discussion for breakfast was whether we should have half a yoghurt each to stretch them out for longer. We have taken some of the green bananas out to let them ripen faster. We still have a good supply of apples, oranges and bananas. The last of the peppers and mangos will go today. The par baked bread is still plentiful, but we have to try the bread mixes soon for a change.
The fruit cake mystery continues and we have come to the conclusion that they were left on the dock in Las Palmas. There had been two attempts to put them in the trash because they were stored in large margarine containers which we felt had passed their best by dates. They were retrieved in time, but maybe someone else had a similar thought before we left.
As we have said before, bring on the wind.
Until blog 11, Adios amigos!
Peter (Capt Pug), Stephen, Conor, Craig & Terry