Starla - Log Day 13 - Orca
Hello Everyone,
Distance logged today - 170 nautical miles. Distance to date this trip - 1500 nautical miles. Remaining miles to St Lucia 1518.
Well we were on engine for 20 hours and covered 145 miles, to get south west. At 0840 hrs this morning we stopped the engine and were in 10 knots of breeze. With the Genekar sail up, we managed to continue at the same speed as the engine was giving us.
We had to do a few jobs, as the boom brake line was chafed through, we were able to reverse the line, to get the chafed part to the unused end of the line.
The single side band (ssb), long distance radio we have on-board, has two antenna's. Each antenna is seven meters long and is in two sections. We lost the top of one of the sections. This meant that we had to swap the antenna's to give a seven meter antenna for the ssb tranmission. The other antenna, only needs to be two meters long minimum, for the digital calling signals that it receives. So that was useful. Otherwise you would not be receiving this e-mail, as we would have lost communications!
Last night before dark we spotted a school/pod of killer whales on their way north, at about 60 meters from the back of the boat.
Spiced fish was on the menu last night. Great stuff made by Brian.
We are down to our last portion of fish, so we tried fishing today without success. Colin and Brian each had a bite. Both fish got off. They must have been very big, as they had straightened the hooks out on each one.
It has been cloudy all morning. A lot of squall activity around, but luckily they are all passing the boat on either side.
Starla Crew
(written by Steven Crake)