Not much worth reporting on the sailing front as the ‘trades’ have another
bunk today. We are hoping that they may be here for good on Sunday, ready
for a final dash to the finishing line (only 1169 miles away as I write), but we
have learned by now not to count any chickens.
So today’s report comes from today’s Mother, naturally the most important, but least recognised role on the boat. In truth none of us guys have had
much real life training in its finer tasks - and I may had less than the others,
bar one. This is the third time round, but I still can’t quite get the
hang of it. The first two times it was not the cooking or washing up or
laundry I hated, but the cleaning, especially the sinks and showers and stove
and heads (loos). This time I made the acquaintance of Mr Muscle and he
has transformed my view of Motherhood. I must admit to not having made his
acquaintance before. Mr Jif or Mr LooBrite (?) and Ms Fairy Liquid yes, but Mr
Muscle no. He appears to be a most wonderful mixture of all these previous
acquaintances, and happy to do all their jobs in one, even the most
testing. So he and I have been round the boat together and we are best
friends. I only hope he’s still around and not exhausted next time
Motherhood comes up, as it surely will at our rate of progress.
Of course real-life Mothers do get some perks at the end of the
day: perpetual licence to try to improve husband and or children ,
constant stream of flowers from caring partner, quick trip to town to have eye
lashes painted... Most of these are sadly impractical on a boat, so we have
devised one of our own: only Mother has a right to a shower!
I’m off to enjoy mine right now - over to the skipper.
PS Banana cake worked perfectly second time. Notes to self for future :
[1] if grand-daughter says ‘use SR flour,’ obviously she means
self-raising, not your standard flour; [2] if ship on Atlantic tack when baking,
release stove gimbal; otherwise, tilt of the bake = angle of heel.
We are grateful for the seriousness with which David takes his motherly
role, a side of his character which has lain dormant but which he has now
discovered. We are also very pleased that he has exercised his right to a
This has been a rather frustrating day as we have hit a calm with winds
reaching all of two knots. We still have some miles available on the motor
before we suffer the ignominy of demotion to the motor sailing division and we
are making use of this flexibility at this moment. Our research indicates that
strong winds await us at the weekend to speed us to St. Lucia. We still have
around 1163 miles to go. The day was not wasted as we spent a happy couple of
hours sorting out problems with our Cruising chute which hopefully is now ready
for action.
As I am on dinner duty today I must depart to finalize the braised spare