We finally finished at 9 pm on Thursday night after counting down the last 85 miles from sunup on Thursday . Just over 14 days for us as we started 30 hours late but managed to overtake a few boats on the way. The crossing can be described in thirds. First third, lovely sailing conditions up to 20 knots, second third, boring as bat****, hard work motor sailing and the final third, reasonable pressure but a little frustrating . Overall the crossing was very tame, but the rock and roll was still there. The Atlantic didn't bite us so we should be grateful for that.
Wonderful support from Paul and his team, again, again and again . We definitely have had more sleep than them, as they are basically working 24 /7. Superb effort .
I cannot recommend the ARC + enough, having established friendships, that I am sure will last a lifetime and I think that's what it is all about. The common goal of crossing an ocean has finally been achieved.
Crew La Rochelle