A final push towards st lucia, only 150 miles to go, would the last night at sea deliver the usual array of shooting stars, phosphorescence and idle chat between the changing watches? No, it wouldn't. At 2am a squall had developed and all hands were required to pull down the the flogging kite, having blown one in similar circumstances two nights previously the pressure was on to move fast. The team pulled together yet again to pull off a flawless sail drop in rising wind and pouring rain. The rest of the night had each watch receive a soaking under incredibly tricky sailing conditions, dawn was a welcome sight, although the lack of food (down to a few boil-in-the-bags and, rather strangely, a hugh quantity of manchego cheese) had the team thinking of the finish line. The day has been spent surfing down the swell at 15 knts and engoying the delights of deck warmed boil-in-the-bags. Al Mac led the team in a press-up competition in light of the forthcoming beach action in st l. Signing out for now, finish line update to follow, hopefully tomorrow!!!!