Webster - Log 18: Giant wind hole
Sunday 8th December: Position 15 06'N 37 27'W. We turned the engine off at 0800 this morning after 10 hours motoring as we felt there was some breeze to sail and we did make a little progress but not enough really. The worry is the ARC forecast suggests that it is to remain light along the 15 degree line until the 12th - Thursday! We have nowhere near enough fuel for that eventuality so lets hope that changes; the grib files however tend to back it up or at least until Wednesday am anyway.
We spotted a bulk container ship this morning the Andrea Paladio, which was on collision course but altered course herself to pass astern. Jerry called the bridge up on VHF and thanked him, very British.
We gleaned from the SSB net that there is wind but quite well West and some boats now in it and romping away. Alas we are still a way off this so have to be patient, but its very frustrating and although all cheerful on board it is now having an effect. Talk is of missing flights and having family in St Lucia whilst we are still out here. Not much we can do though.
1330. Here we go again. Wind has shut off completely! Engine has gone on again using precious fuel just to move.
The highlight of the day however was nearly running down a floating Flip. It could have been a Flop but couldn't make out if it was a left or right footed one. Decided it didn't warrant a Nav Warning though so watched it drift off.
Albert cooked a very nice pasta arrabiata, the first time he has ever cooked pasta! A trip for firsts.
Its now 0545 and still motoring in no wind at all. I think it is going to be a long day ahead......
Charlie - Webster