Hello Everyone,
Distance logged today - 142 nautical miles. Distance to date this trip - 1864 nautical miles. Remaining miles to St Lucia 1223.
Yesterday after running north west, we tacked on a wind shift at 1500 hours, to head south west. We were in a good 15 knots of breeze and have been like that since. The wind has lightened to 10-12 kn, however we are making good progress.
The sea state was very lumpy and uncomfortable, with a swell from the north west. It was very difficult to cook. If it wasn't for the fact that Colin had prepared some onions and I had prepared some potatoes, in the cockpit in the afternoon, their was no way we would have had a cooked meal. It took all of your effort just to stay on your feet.
Colin caught a Dorado just in time to go in to the pot with the spuds,onions and herbs, with a fish stock made out of the fish carcass (otherwise it was going to be tinned something or other).
The panic was over as we pulled in another three Dorado. And yes, another tuna got away. Colin had it close to the boat.
We are all feeling a little tired today, as sleeping in the rough seas is a bit sporadic, as the boat was slamming in to the waves.
We had to drop the main sail this morning and reattach the luff of the sail to the mast track car system. One of the bolts had come out of the car, at the batten pocket. Luckily the bolt was still in the car. The sail was only down for 20 minutes. Even so, still a tiring job, hanging on to the mast!
A cloudy morning at first then the sun has come out making it a beautiful day.
Starla Crew
(written by Steven Crake)
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