Our efforts to avoid the big hole in the wind seemed to have dropped us right in it last night. As the sun went down, so did the breeze, to absolutely nothing. We agreed to motor for 12 hours to get everything charged up and water made etc so that we would be ready to wait it out. So after 12 hours, the engine went off and we sat there. Then a breeze of a few knots came up from the north and enabled us to get moving again, albeit at about half a knot. We thought we were in for a long frustrating day, but eventually, about 15:00, the breeze kicked in from the North at about 12 knots, so we are currently reaching along nicely at about 6.5-7 knots. A welcome relief to be moving again and in the right direction too! Forecasts look to be improving for the next few days, so hopefully we will start to get some decent daily runs.
I must mention Julia's bread that she made a couple of days ago. She added a bit of brown sugar, some walnuts, and figs, and it was really good. There were some white rolls from the batch as well. The smell of fresh bread is great on board although having the oven on in a small space when it is already 30 degrees can be a bit warm!
Yesterday was a bit of a literary day for me. I read "The Old Man and the Sea" by Hemmingway. Very good and struck quite a few chords with our current situation.
Just about to dig some beers out of the fridge for sundowners. Supper tonight is re-heated chorizo and bean stuff with rice, so nothing too challenging there.
Here's hoping this breeze holds out over night.
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