Water water everywhere and not a drop to drink. Well the first part is true - most of it should stay in the ocean but at 5am this morning quite a lot of it seemed to be in our cabin. My darling husband had left the hatch 'only a tiny bit open'. Anyway, resulting in all our bedding, towels, clothes and me being absolutely soaked. And I am NOT exaggerating. Apart from that the day has not been without other challenges - the boys fancied (after a particularly gruelling swell of a watch) bacon sandwiches. Unfortunately not to be since the regulator on the gas cylinder (or whatever those things are called) had furred up with salt and this and that and despite poor Harry lying prone for 3 hours with his head in the gas chamber, the thing simply could not be fixed. Peter and Andrew were stoic with their handing down of tools and suchlike and more grunting ensued. So, no more hot meals for us. There will be a prize for the most inventive cold meal. Sounds fun doesn't it especially when the huge highlight of the day is hot supper at 6pm and always tastes amazing. I'm on supper tonight and still racking my brains with what to do with a microwave, 6 spuds, 6 butternut squash, 12 yellow peppers and countless green apples. Any ideas??? So, apart from that we are trundling along, still swaying from side to side, sails beautifully goose winged and the sun is thankfully shining. Our destination is very much in sight (well only on the chart) but our little yellow triangle is pointing in the right way and only about 400 miles to go. Looking forward now to hot water, hot food and a dry bed! I'm off to join Janie on the poop deck with my crochet if only i can stay upright!
Sarah xxx
[email protected] +44 (0) 447702490543