God knows what Jim's (JDR) smoking but I can't find it, and he won't share it? Anyhow! We have only a 1000 miles to go the wind has just picked up hopefully it will continue! We have lightened the boat by emptying the forward water tanks, mainly to try to get moving in the light airs. In other news, Mason was found hiding the snicker bars under his pillow, Steve as I suspected has started a downward spiral after falling in to bad (Mason) company... he had to be woken several times for his watch tonight! and I even beat him on deck! TB
00:08 Monday 09/12/2013. 14 54.7N, 43 14.7W Finally some wind. We're doing a nice steady 8 kts in 18 kts of breeze on a comfortable beam reach in smooth seas. The sky is cloudy, but a bright moon is lighting our way. The first day of our third week has certainly been eventful, we finally found the Snickers bars (under one of the crew's pillow), we caught our first big fish - a 4ft barracuda, and this without a functioning reel. It put up a good fight initially but quickly gave up, so much so that we thought we'd lost it and were just winding in the lure. As the end of the line came into sight we realised what we'd got. Once aboard, the fish was quickly photographed before being cut into huge steaks which we enjoyed pan fried for our dinner later in the day, with plenty more for a fish curry tomorrow, the remainder (the majority) being thrown back into the sea. After the deck had been cleared of the debris of our catch we witnessed (and photographed) a waterspout about two miles astern - a tornado sucking water up from the sea into the clouds - amazing and somewhat scary at the same time - now this is what I signed up for ;)...SN
Well, what a 24 hours it has been. After 6 days of very light winds and muggy conditions, we at last got what we'd been praying for, yes I had a shower. Meanwhile concern continues to grow over the efforts required to wake Tim up for his watches. Last night I had to drag Jim away after finding him seconds and inches away from plunging one of our Epi-pens into Tim's Gluteus Maximus in an attempt to revive him from anaphalactic shock as a result of an apparent serious allergic reaction to getting up in the middle of the night. When I realised what was going on I must say I was relieved, but I fear it is going to take a lot more than a thimble full of adrenalin to do the trick. We have lost a barracuda after taking over 20 minutes to reel it in and were all very disappointed. However, as Steve has explained, the second one was landed successfully and this time it was the fish that was gutted...Steve cooked the steaks up this evening which were superb as our on board Masterchef (who must remain nameless as his wife is as yet unaware of his kitchen prowess) looked on enviously. Wind has arrived as we aim George straight at Saint Lucia. MK 14N 43W
It was to a mostly stunned gathering that Poirot 'outed' himself. Hastings, his long time faithful confident, was beside himself with joy. Maybe the clues were there all along, the meticulous analytical brain, the penchant for dropping into french, petit dejernair, panini or his pride in his very own perfectly rounded buns. But it was when cookie/part time navigator or vise versa asked Poirot to help him out with the size and shape of his own buns did the confession come out that in his former life he was in fact a bakers delivery driver. I have to say that neither set of buns had a soggy bottom. Bon voyage mon amis 'George'.......oh er. JDR
Wind, large barracuda and a tornado, if you put them all together what do you get. A good day for all aboard George. I brought two books with me thinking I would have loads of time to spare but the day seems to zoom past. Most cabins are a bit of a mess by now, except one that looks like a cleaner goes in everyday. The crew member who was found in possession of the snickers, which have been missing for two weeks, I cant believe he is suggesting they were planted. PS Its not me leaving the head sea cocks open. MN