Windsurf Nightwatch at the Atlantic...
The Windsurf, totally alone on a big ocean.... Only with a lot of stars,
planets and the moon...
And... more than 200 boats around us. But we cannot see them... Have they
found the good winds ? We are on the 15th/16th lattitude, but our speed is below
5 knots at the moment...
Do we reach St. Lucia in time ?
Of course we do, but not in the coming weekend. We think perhaps at Monday
or Tuesday...
Ocean Management, a difficult subject. The wind behaves different than the
variety of forecasts learns us. A great pity... Or what do we do wrong ?
Our sails are standing in the opposite of each other, like a butterfly. So
we catch more wind.
Monday, 9th of December, 2013, The day after....
Totally different... 15 knots of wind from the NW.
And.... The Windsurf is sailing ! Last night all hands on deck ! Let’s set up
the sails ! Let’s do it !
YES... 8 knots of Speed over Ground... this feels good ! Arrival ?
Maybe on Monday !!!!!!