Shine - Day 14 : Land Ahoy
"Like as the waves make toward the pebbled shore,
So do our minutes hasten to their end."
William Shakespeare
Stratford-upon-Avon 1584
"F***k me,we're rattling along.
We're almost within farting distance."
Piers Sherlock
100 miles east of St Lucia 2013
Wordsmiths both,saying much the same thing, it is encouraging to see
that we have lost none of the flower of English prose in the last
400 years.
Yesterday's conditions have continued as predicted, so at present we
are 30 mile off St Lucia with the lights of Martinique to starboard,
and expect to cross the finishing line inside the next three hours.
Having had zero light pollution for the last fortnight, to see
Martinique is a very strange sensation.In addition, various iphones
are springing to life around the boat with the unfamiliar ping of
'message alert', so if we were in any doubt that our journey is
close to completion, the boys at Apple have put paid to that.
Hot,hot,hot down below and the author would like to take this
opportunity to state categorically that Mrs Fox can rest assured
that I will NEVER sleep with her husband again.
Nice guy, but snores like a warthog..........Mrs Dunger can likewise
relax .
A last word when we're alongside,