Greetings from under a beautiful blue sky in the middle of the Atlantic. There is lots of activity I could write about today. More flying fish in the cockpit (two last night). The different ways of arranging yourself in your bunk so you dont roll around (book length feature on this forthcoming). But today, its about the food.
After two weeks, we find ourselves in a position where the fresh food has all been enjoyed. Fortunately, and despite chuckles on the dock in Las Palmas as she loaded in box after box of canned goods, Teri has us prepared. Now in the week of the can, the creativity is really starting to emerge on Edelweiss. For example, nobody thought that black bean and tuna might go together well with pasta, but voila - a real crew pleaser! Dont worry, we will keep a journal of these culinary delicacies to share with you all - might even put a nice cover on it and have copies made for Christmas presents!
xo Edelweiss